Tuscany: Immortalised in the Classics
Tuscany: Immortalised in the Classics Travel & Tourism Have you ever dreamed of going to a place for so long that when you finally book the holiday and arrive it feels so familiar it’s as though you’ve been there before? In the case of Tuscany this feeling of déjà vu probably comes from some of the classic films that have been filmed in the beautiful region. If you’ve ever immersed yourself in the Merchant Ivory film A Room With a View or the Oscar-winning Life Is Beautiful, both of which were partially filmed in the region, you may well feel that you’ve already taken several tours of Tuscany. If, however, you’re a confirmed Italophile but have not seen some of the great films that use this stunning part of Italy as backdrop, then you’re missing a trick. Here are my favourite films featuring the region. So grab some popcorn, sit back and enjoy these celluloid tours of Tuscany. Room With a View This is the 1986 Merchant Ivory film of EM Forster’s classic novel about an E...